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981 - [L֥M] NewYorkTorNew6.Quetzalcoatl-relays.org 2023/08/28() 02:16:57.33 ID:mZS6oWd30

Welcome, and thank you for being intrested in Koushin-kyo.

First of all, I apporogize for our bomb threats against your country.We had no intention to terrorize Korean people nor do something about political conflicts between Japan and South Korea.
Just wanted to evangelize Koushin-kyo and how stupid, crazy, vicious, incompetent Takahiro Karasawa is.

So, I'm really happy to see you here.You can find informations on Karasawa Takahiro wiki(may be English version will help @https://krsw-wiki.org/wiki/Main_Page ) and feel free to ask us.

By the way, I didn't know souch group exists in Korea.I'm very interested in this@group, so could you tell me a little bit about it?
We would be happy to cooperate with each other in terms of technology and know-how.

DeepL translation
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