【唐澤貴洋殺す】雑談★110【肥やし機降臨】 (1000)

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732 - 核撃てば尊師 2014/02/27(木) 18:43:48 ID:25pieszY

193 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる sage 2014/02/27(木) 18:34:28.31 ID:OLAPty7o0
I suggest koushin.2ch.net.
Koushin(恒心) means 'gentle and right heart' in Japanese.
There is a japanese famous proverb "Kousan nakushite koushin nashi(恒産なくして恒心なし)."
It derives from a chinese classic.
And it means "Without jobs, we wouldn't have right hearts."
In 2ch boards, we have to have right hearts, I think.
Koushin is very appropriate for the new name.

220 xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/27(木) 18:38:57.99 ID:???0
