563 - 名無しに会って話がしたいですを (sage) 2014/05/25(日) 05:07:20 ID:uwCEAtvc0
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メ _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ .K FBI WARNING
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ヨ .y -一 ー- !, f Federal Law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for
r! .!. ィtァ tァx .!.\. the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of
. !,Y f .!. copyrighted motion pictures (Title 17, United States Code,
. ] 、.`ー' ., .├' Sections 501 and 508). The Federal Bureau of Investigation
. !,  ̄ ̄ .ハ investigates allegations of criminal copyright infringement
/ゝ, ,ノ ヽ, (Title 17, United States Code, Section 506).
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