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356 F”ํŠQŽา‚ณ‚๑ šF2017/04/23(“๚) 12:39:30.90 ID:KRSW

Cloudflare received an abuse report regarding: gtanda.top Please be aware
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****/ Below is the report we received: Reporter's Name: Takahiro
Karasawa Attorney Reporter's Email Address: [email protected]
Reporter's Title: Attorney at law/Managing Partner Reporter's Company
Name: Cross Law Firm Reporter's Telephone Number: {810364358073 Reported
URLs: https://gtanda.top/cross/ Logs or Evidence of Abuse: กAbusive
content (Original) ˆซ“ฟ–ณ”\•ูŒ์Žm“‚เV‹M—m‚๐‹–‚ท‚ศ
กAbusive content (Translation of the abusive part of each article) Do
not forgive evil imperial lawyer@Takahiro Karasawa Comments: Dear Sir I
am a lawyer in Japan, belonging to Dai-1 Tokyo Bar-Association. I am
reporting the abusive contents (see gLogs or other evidence of
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These postings mention that "I am evil and Incompetence. Please note that
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