14 - ณผ ฏ๊}๕ 2017/04/24() 03:02:47.40 ID:18+RAvg6
356 FํQาณ๑ F2017/04/23(๚) 12:39:30.90 ID:KRSW
Cloudflare received an abuse report regarding: gtanda.top Please be aware
Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy, pass-through
security service. We are not a hosting provider. Cloudflare does not
control the content of our customers. The actual host for gtanda.top is
****. Using the following command, you can confirm the site in
question is hosted at that IP address: curl -v -H "Host: gtanda.top"
****/ Below is the report we received: Reporter's Name: Takahiro
Karasawa Attorney Reporter's Email Address: [email protected]
Reporter's Title: Attorney at law/Managing Partner Reporter's Company
Name: Cross Law Firm Reporter's Telephone Number: {810364358073 Reported
URLs: https://gtanda.top/cross/ Logs or Evidence of Abuse: กAbusive
content (Original) ซฟณ\ู์mเVMm๐ทศ
กAbusive content (Translation of the abusive part of each article) Do
not forgive evil imperial lawyer@Takahiro Karasawa Comments: Dear Sir I
am a lawyer in Japan, belonging to Dai-1 Tokyo Bar-Association. I am
reporting the abusive contents (see gLogs or other evidence of
abuseh)on the web site (see gEvidence URLh) cached on your server.
These postings mention that "I am evil and Incompetence. Please note that
these posting are false. I would appreciate if you cooperate to cope with
these illegal postings. Please let me know the real sever name. Please
address this issue with your customer. Regards, Cloudflare Abuse